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Residential Security for California Neighborhoods

Whether you’re an apartment complex manager or president of your homeowners’ association, security is probably something you think about daily. Summit Protective Services provides residential security for California communities, from Ceres to Sacramento and the Bay Area and everywhere in-between. While you may feel safe in your neighborhood, the reality is criminal activity and disturbances occur everywhere. From burglaries to property vandalism and stolen vehicles, there are plenty of things that can happen when you least expect them. If you’re concerned about security in your building or community, our experienced security personnel would be happy to offer a risk assessment and a customized solution. Call today!

apartment building

Comprehensive Security Solutions for Your Community

Summit Protective Services works with many homeowners’ associations and residential living community property managers to devise cost-effective security services. From foot and vehicle patrols to access control measures and eviction support, we work around the clock to make our clients feel safer. Sometimes, all it takes is a visual deterrent to stop criminals from committing crimes, such as loitering, trespassing, vandalism, theft, burglary, and assault. However, as security or emergency situations arise, you can count on us for quick response times for your peace of mind and protection. Our company relies on 50+ years of combined experience in top-tier security management to identify and mitigate security risks to your property and tenants. Our security personnel provides a friendly face for your residents but a stern presence for anyone who doesn’t live in your community.

Go Beyond Electronic Alarms & Gate Access With Physical Security

You may think your residential living community is protected with alarms or electronic gate access. However, these types of security systems do come with limitations. Without supervision, anybody could enter or exit your community when your systems are down or the gate codes are shared with outside sources, such as deliverymen or rideshare providers. Having on-site security personnel, whether stationary at the gate or via a mobile patrol throughout the neighborhood, is often more effective than security systems alone because criminals can see these measures with their eyes. Our trained personnel will familiarize themselves with your property to devise the best security solution for your needs. Create a strong impression that your community is protected with Summit Protective Services!

Need a Better Security Blanket? Request a Quote Today!