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Protecting California’s Educational Institutions Today

Tragedies affecting schools and campuses have been in the news a lot lately. Faculty and students should not have to worry about their safety while pursuing their education. From bullying and assaults to natural disasters and terrifying shooter lockdown scenarios, educational institutions are vulnerable to many kinds of security threats today. More than ever before, it’s essential to have security protocols in place and emergency preparedness training to minimize the dangers on your campus. Summit Protective Services provides educational institutions with security services throughout California, from Ceres to Sacramento and the Bay Area. Rely on our company’s 50+ years of combined expertise in top-tier security management to ensure your educational institution remains protected.

Students moving through campus park

Uphold Your Reputation as a Safe Haven for Learning

Whether a college campus or an elementary, middle, or high school, your educational institution has a reputation as a safe haven for learning to uphold. Don’t let security risks jeopardize that hard-earned reputation in your community. Rely on Summit Protective Services to deter suspicious activities and crime from occurring on your campus. We have foot and vehicle patrols ready to monitor your entire campus property, responding to various emergency scenarios, including natural, civil, or man-made disasters, lockdowns, and intruders. Our customized, cost-effective security services offer superior protection for your institution’s faculty, staff, and students. When you entrust us with your campus security, we will thoroughly investigate your property to identify any possible vulnerabilities. Assessing all access points (internally and externally) helps us analyze ways to make your campus safer.

Minimize the Threat of Undesirable or Criminal Campus Activity

Your campus will appear and feel more secure thanks to our professionally trained security personnel. When physical security is present, trespassers, intruders, and vandals are less likely to strike. Minimize the threat of undesirable or criminal activity at your educational institution when you enlist the help of Summit Protective Services. Besides the safety of people on your campus, you also have to think about the safety of vehicles, buildings, laboratories, and other expensive educational assets. Continuous foot and vehicle patrols can closely monitor every nook and cranny on your property. We’re also on hand to assist with security measures for special events being held at your educational institution to ensure everyone in attendance has a safe, enjoyable time. Talk to our team today!

Need a Better Security Blanket? Request a Quote Today!