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50+ Years of Experience

Servicing the state of California, Summit Protective & Investigative Services, Inc. is your partner in physical security and private investigation. Leveraging a combined 50+ years of experience in providing top-level security management, our team provides effective, proven solutions for all our clients’ security needs.

Male security guard standing at the entrance

Our Vision

SPIS’s vision is to consistently deliver the highest quality security services to all of our clients no matter the size of the contract. We strive to realize our goal of being recognized as a leader within the security industry by ensuring all our employees reflect the honesty, integrity, and values our company was founded upon. Never satisfied with mere adequacy, it is our continued priority to improve our levels of service and to find more ways to better serve our clients.

Providing the Best Possible Service

With the tumultuousness of the security industry, many lose sight of both their founding principles and their goals. SPIS is committed to never losing our vision and to ensure our clients receive the best possible service in any situation.

Need a Better Security Blanket? Request a Quote Today!