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Corporate Campus Security Services Across California

Modern corporate campuses are almost like tiny towns with unique security challenges facing them. Most corporate campuses cover vast amounts of property, housing everything from coffee shops to small local vendors, with hundreds or thousands of people entering and exiting every day. With so many people coming and going, security risks are imminent. Vandalism, thefts, unauthorized access, criminal activity, and violent acts all pose significant threats. With 50+ years of combined expertise in top-tier security management, Summit Protective Services offers corporate campus security services across the state of California, from Ceres to Sacramento and the Bay Area. Get peace of mind that your corporate campus’s perimeters are secure when you request a customized solution today!

Social Issues and Business Life

Deterring Corporate Campus Criminals in Various Ways

Summit Protective Services can customize our corporate campus security services to suit every client’s specific needs. From real-time monitoring and incident reporting to foot and mobile patrols and access control solutions, we help deter corporate campus criminals in various ways. Reduce both internal and external threats to your livelihood with our focused team. Our company is small enough to provide personalized security services around the clock but large enough to meet or exceed your campus security goals and objectives with careful, comprehensive surveillance and more. Our on-site, uniformed personnel are polite, professional, and reliable to instill confidence in our abilities to keep you, your employees and visitors, and property safe at all times. We specialize in peace of mind.

Planning Is Crucial When It Comes to Campus Security Threats

Planning is crucial when it comes to security threats and natural disasters. Our professional security personnel can help you establish safety protocols and emergency preparedness training to minimize threats to your corporate campus security. Our top-tier security management team oversees all security procedures and provides quick response times whenever a crisis occurs. Contact Summit Protective Services for a security risk assessment today. We would be happy to examine your corporate campus and identify any vulnerabilities while establishing a customized security services plan for you. Rely on our many years of expertise to meet whatever unique safety challenges you have.

Need a Better Security Blanket? Request a Quote Today!